Amputation Injury Lawyer in Miami
Amputation Injury Lawyer in Miami
June 16, 2020 admin

Amputation Injury Lawyer in Miami

Nothing can be more traumatizing than losing a piece of yourself in a serious accident or act of neglect. Losing a finger, toes, ear, or even an entire arm or leg is a life altering injury, one that will take time to adjust to, and will take money, time, and commitment to get through. 

If your injury comes at the expense of another’s negligence, decision making, or lack of care for your safety, you may be due compensation. To gain that compensation, you will first need to file a lawsuit. If you or someone you love is in this position, you will need a highly skilled amputation lawyer to help guide you through the process. Amputation injury lawyer Brett Schlacter, of Schlacter Law in Miami, is exactly the skilled attorney that you need. Brett has represented many individuals who have suffered horrible injuries in accidents and has helped them recover much needed funds, money that has helped them return to a normal, thriving life.

Common causes of an amputation injury

According to recent studies, nearly 2 million people live with an amputation of some sort right now in the U.S. Of those, almost 25% received that amputation as a result of a traumatic accident of some sort.

The most common causes of these sorts of injuries are:

  • Traffic accidents – including pedestrian and bicyclist accidents, car/bicyclist/pedestrian versus train accidents, and motorcycle accidents. This is by far the cause of most amputation injuries
  • Accidents at the workplace. And no, you do not have to be a construction worker on a construction site to suffer an amputation injury. Many varied workplaces are represented in this statistic
  • Agricultural/farming accidents, including those involving mowers
  • Accidents involving fireworks, explosives, and firearms
  • Electrocution
  • Accidents involving rings on fingers
  • Building door and car door accidents
  • Medical mistakes and/or malpractice

Obviously this is not an exhaustive list. Amputation injuries can happen anywhere.

Possible compensation amounts

This amount can vary widely. Factors that play into this amount include the location and cause of the amputation injury, how willing and open insurance representatives are to helping you access information, whether or not you have a right to file a lawsuit, and more. An attorney skilled in their field is your best chance at getting the amount that you deserve, especially when representatives and lawyers working for the parties who were negligent and may be responsible for your injury are more interested in protecting their own interests and pocket books. They may try to offer you a settlement that is vastly less than you actually deserve. With an experienced lawyer, you will not have to deal with this.

Possible compensation examples include:

  • Coverage of all medical expenses, both past and future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Lost wages, both past and future
  • Coverage of medical equipment, including prosthetics

Other amputation injury considerations

Unfortunately, with an injury as traumatic as an amputation, there are considerations beyond the injury itself. In addition to the medical journey back to health for the amputation injury itself, those who have suffered such an injury also may suffer from complications like these:

  • Infections from healing issues or other issues stemming from correcting the amputation
  • Blood clots resulting from the amputation injury or its correction
  • Phantom pain, or nervous system issues that require specialized treatment
  • Heart complications resulting from the amputation injury or any follow up treatment
  • Depression as a result of the injury and treatment, as well as life changes due to the amputation injury
  • Anxiety due to the same reasons as Depression
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for the same reasons as Depression and Anxiety, as well as resulting from the accident itself

Who is most at risk

Miami is a crazy place, an amputation injury can happen to anyone. Workplace amputation injuries are the second highest cause of that sort of injury, behind automobile accidents. While every workplace can be dangerous if care is not taken, some professions are more at risk than others. 

A recent study noted that the meat processing industry counts for at least two amputation injuries per day. With certain safety restrictions soon to be lifted to help with speed implementation, that number could very well rise.

Any form of mechanical profession is also high risk, as is the utility work field. Transportation workers, armed forces, explosives work, and more like fields rank very high as well. When working with powerful, unpredictable forces, one is always at risk.

But that does not mean that your rights to care and compensation are lessened at all if you are in those fields, or if you are injured in a field of work that does not have a high rate of amputation injury. A highly skilled amputation lawyer will be able to get you the results that you need to return to a normal life.

Schlacter Law in Miami

Miami Lawyer Brett Schlacter has spent years representing individuals injured through negligence in the workplace or beyond. Brett is a highly skilled attorney that is ready to go to work for you today to ensure that your needs are met.  Schlacter Law will fight for the compensation you are owed.

An injury that results in amputation can be something that affects your life long after the actual injury has faded and healed. Schlacter Law is here to ensure that no unnecessary time or suffering is going to be added onto your already traumatic experience. Call Schlacter Law today to learn more!

How We Handle Cases

  1. Investigation
    • Your attorney will aggressively investigate your case. Schlacter Law will compile all necessary evidence needed to maximize the value of your case. Which includes but is not limited to photographs, police reports, security camera footage, witness statements, medical bills and medical records.
    • You will remain in constant contact with Schlacter Law about the progression of your case.
  2. Negotiation
    • Your attorney will present your case to the insurance company and will attempt to resolve your case before the case goes to court for maximum compensation.
    • Your attorney will make every effort possible to resolve the case as quickly as possible for the most amount of money you may be entitled to. You will be actively involved in the negotiation process with your attorney. Schlacter Law understands that this is your one opportunity to get justice for your loss.
  3. Litigation
    • If settlement negotiations are unsuccessful, Schlacter Law will be fully prepared to bring your case to court to fight for the justice you deserve.
    • At no cost to you, Schlacter Law will hire any experts and professionals needed to maximize your recovery and present your case in the strongest form possible.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an amputation injury?

The human body is strong and versatile, but it cannot withstand everything. A violent car crash, an errant tool on a worksite, a careless flick of a surgeon’s scalpel blade, all of these things and more can result in an injury that leads to a partial or full amputation.

A partial amputation injury is most often defined as an injury wherein some portion of the soft tissue connecting an appendage (finger/toe), part (ear, nose, etc), or limb to the body remains intact. This appendage, part, or limb is no longer able to function fully, but is still attached to the body. Oftentimes, the affected appendage, part, or limb can be reattached, but many times it cannot be and must be fully removed.

A full amputation injury is just that – an appendage, part, or limb is fully removed from the body as a result of the accident. Again, sometimes these injuries can be reversed by skilled surgeons, but even then the appendage, part, or limb often suffers long term effects from the injury and may never recover fully back to normal use and function.

How much does a lawyer cost?

Lawyers fees range greatly. But, Schlacter Law’s fee structure is simple. They do not get paid until you get paid. Free consultation, and no money due until you win – that’s how Schlacter Law ensures that you begin your journey to recovery and compensation immediately.

Why do I need a lawyer?

Personal injury law in Miami, and throughout Florida, can become severely complex very quickly. While insurance companies, large brand representatives, etc. will attempt to convince you that your injury, no matter how catastrophic, is a simple and straightforward affair when it comes to paying out a claim, the fact is that this is not true. You will be met with legal and ethical roadblocks that will be hard, or near impossible, to overcome without a lawyer by your side. 

A highly skilled lawyer can help you traverse this legal minefield, ensure that you do not agree to anything that will hinder your ability to gain the compensation that you deserve, and ultimately deliver that very compensation.

Call Schlacter Law in Miami today to learn more!
